Cookeville, TN Area Billboards
TRIVISION BILLBOARDS (3 Rotating Advertisements) IN TOWN
Jefferson Ave. (Longhorn Parking lot) Trivision Facing North [T1]
Jefferson Ave. (Longhorn Parking lot) Trivision Side by Side Facing South [T1]
Jefferson Ave. (Pennzoil Parking Lot) Trivision Facing South [T2]
Spring St. (Burger King Parking Lot) Trivision Facing West [T3]
Washington Ave. (CHS Location) Trivision Facing North [T4]
Interstate 40 (South Maple Location) Trivision Facing East [T9]
Jefferson Ave. (Hix Bros Parking Lot) Standard Wrap / Facing North
Jefferson Ave. (Hix Bros Parking Lot) Standard Wrap / Facing South
Jefferson Ave. (across from Hix Brothers) Standard Wrap / Facing North
Jefferson Ave. (South) at Ferguson Standard Wrap / Facing South
Jefferson Ave. (South) at Ferguson Standard Wrap / Facing North
Jackson Street (Shell Parking Lot) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Jackson Street facing Willow / Wrap Billboard / Facing West
Jackson Street (Citizens Bank Parking Lot) Static Poster Flex Billboard / Facing East
Willow Ave. (Gaw Auto Mart Parking Lot) Poster Flex / Facing North
Willow Ave. (PSC Parking Lot) Standard Wrap Billboard Facing North
Willow Ave. (PSC Parking Lot) Standard Wrap Billboard Facing South
111073 Willow and Broad at Fil-Thai Static Billboard Facing South
111074 Willow and Broad at Fil-Thai V Billboard Billboard Facing East
Jackson St. (Roland Parking Lot) Standard Wrap Facing East [T5]
S Willow Avenue (at Exxon Gas Station I-40) Wrap Billboard / Facing South
S Willow Avenue (at Exxon Gas Station I-40) Wrap Billboard / Facing North
Washington Avenue & 10th Street / Standard Wrap / Facing East
Washington Avenue & 10th Street / Standard Wrap / Facing South
Spring St. on the Square (Across from the Justice Center) Static Wrap Facing East
Lowe Ave. at JJJax Standard Wrap Facing South
E. Spring St. at I-40 MM 290 Exit Ramp – Standard Wrap
Spring St. (Burger King Parking Lot) Wrap Facing East
Lowe Ave. / Washington (Old JJJax Parking Lot) Standard Wrap Facing North
Lowe Ave & Stevens St – Standard Wrap Billboard Facing West (Right Panel)
Veterans Drive / Jefferson Ave Cookeville – Wrap/Poster Flex Billboard / Facing West
Veterans Drive / Jefferson Ave Cookeville – Wrap/Poster Flex Billboard / Facing East
Tennessee Avenue Cookeville Standard Wrap Facing North
Tennessee Avenue Cookeville Standard Wrap Facing South
Cookeville Hwy 70 / W Broad (UCEMC) Static Facing West
Cookeville Hwy 70 / W Broad (UCEMC) Static Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 288)(South Maple Location) Standard Wrap Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 286) Standard Wrap Facing West Board 2
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 286) Standard Wrap Facing West Board 1
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 286.25) Standard Wrap Facing West
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 286) at Cumberland Auto Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 273) Standard Wrap Facing West
Highway 111 (South Maple Location) Standard Wrap / Facing South
Highway 111 (South Maple Location) Standard Wrap / Facing North
Highway 111 off I-40 Exit 288 South (Sunoco Parking Lot) Facing North
Highway 111 off I-40 Exit 288 South (Sunoco Parking Lot) Facing South
Highway 111 at Maple No2 (N of CKVL Exit) Facing South
Highway 111 at Maple No2 (N of CKVL Exit) Facing North
Interstate 40 / Mile Marker 289 / Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Interstate 40 / Jefferson Ave. (DQ Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing West
Interstate 40 / Jefferson Ave. (DQ Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Highway 111 / Old Cookeville Hwy. (DMV Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing North
Highway 111 / Old Cookeville Hwy. (DMV Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing South
Highway 111 (Algood Exit) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing North
Highway 111 / Algood (UPS Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing North
Highway 111 / Algood (UPS Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing South
Highway 111 / Algood (Church on the Hill Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing North
Highway 111 / Algood (Church on the Hill Location) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing South
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 292 Unit #1) Popular Grove Facing East – Single Face
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 293 #2) Poplar Grove – Standard Wrap Facing East.
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 293 #2) Poplar Grove – Standard Wrap Facing West
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 293 #3) Poplar Grove – Standard Wrap Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 278 – Larger) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 278 – Smaller) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 279) Standard Wrap Billboard / Facing East
Interstate 40 (Mile Marker 263) Standard Wrap Billbaord / Facing West
DIGITAL BILLBOARDS (LED Electronic Billboard – 8 Advertising Slots Per Billboard)
Click here to watch our Cookeville/Putnam Co. Digital Billboard Rotary Video
[R1] Jefferson Avenue (Side of El Tap Building) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R2] Jefferson Avenue (Church of Christ Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing North
[R11] Washington Avenue & 10th Street / Digital Billboard / Facing North
[R4] Willow Avenue (El Tap Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R5] Algood / Highway 111 / Main Street Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R6] Washington Avenue (at CHS) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R7] Jefferson Ave. (Longhorn Parking lot) Digital Billboard Facing North
[R10] Jefferson Avenue (Pennzoil Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing North
[R14] Willow Avenue (Gaw Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R16] Jackson St. (Citizens Bank Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing West
[R19] Jefferson Ave. (Church of Christ Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R20] Jefferson Ave. (Across from Hix Brothers) Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R23] HWY 111 Rickman Digital Billboard / Facing South
[R24] Willow and Broad at Fil-Thai Digital Billboard Facing North
[R25] Baxter Crossroads (Hwy 70 & Hwy 56) Baxter,TN – Digital Billboard / Facing West
[R27] Spring St. on the Square (Across from the Justice Center) Digital Billboard Facing West
[R28] Jackson St. (Roland Parking Lot) Digital Billboard / Facing West
[R29] Algood Commons – Main St. (Across from Walmart) Digital Billboard Facing East
[R30] Algood Commons – Main St. (Across from Walmart) Digital Billboard Facing West
[R44] Jefferson Avenue (Sam’s Club) Digital Billboard / Facing Northwest