Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Billboard Ad?

by Sindy Hankins

At Roland, we’re always looking for ways to serve our customers to the highest possible standards. In order to help your business grow even more, we will be implementing some new billboard ad guidelines. These will help your ads have the most impact and return.

The best part is, there is nothing you need to do on your end! Our designers will be making targeted suggestions and recommendations – all you have to do is approve the creative.

Did I mention that people are still looking at billboard ads? A recent report by Nielsen showed:

Who Looks at Billboards

I believe these stats because my husband saw a billboard ad for a Pebble smartwatch, Googled it, and after doing some more research ended up buying one. Since then, he’s bought a second watch and I’m on the market for one as well. People are looking, and people are buying. Hooray!

Here are our “Best Ad” guidelines for your ads:

Use 7 words or less in your main headline – use large, bold type and an easy-to-read font

Choose a simple image that conveys your message clearly

Be careful with color combinations; contrasting colors win

Don’t overdo the contact info – just add what people need to find you on the internet

That’s it! How are your ads doing? You can download our “Best Ad” guidelines here.

If your phone isn’t ringing off the hook right away, don’t be discouraged. Billboards are a fantastic advertising tool but depending on your industry, it will take some time for your message to take root. It took my husband a year to really commit to the idea of purchasing his new favorite watch…BUT he’s now a loyal customer (he’s on his second watch), brand promoter, and I’m in the market for one as well.

You can use your billboard ads for branding, announcing products, services, events; and for drawing people in and redirecting them to more information – via a website or social media page – to learn more about you.

In the meantime, not sure where to start on creating an awesome billboard ad campaign? Let us help! You know your business best, but it’s our business to know how to advertise for you. See more tips here.

Want to optimize your ads? We’re happy to help, get in touch today…


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